Thirty years ago, while I was stationed in Mauritania, I was lent a book "Joanna, you are walking in the new land". I didn't read it, I devoured it! I didn't read it, I heard it! as if I knew the voice that dictated those sublime words. When I returned to France, I absolutely wanted to know Joanna. And since our first meeting, we never leave each other even though she lives far away. We are working together for the re-edition of the 8 books (7 follow " Joanna, tu marches sur la terre nouvelle " (Encrétoile editions, 20 rue Antoine de Saint Exupéry 74940 Annecy). Joanna is directly linked to Life and it is simply fabulous in its simplicity and beauty. At the end of the first book, she gives a letter dictated by Mary (1987). She asked me to distribute it. Have a good read. You will be able to find it on my site (
Letter from Marie to Joanna
Mi child, to night, I am going to write you a long letter and warmly wish it to be read to the praying and non praying Humanity.
My children,
I love you, and I shall not stop appearing until a cry springs from your heart, a cry of thankfulness. I shall talk the old language in order not to disturb the sensitive souls. The God flock is coming, leaded by its sheperd. I see it growing every day, every day new souls come and pasture on the plentyfull grazings of the divine Love. We are busy where we are, full of joy. Our heart is overflowing. We are still invisible to your eyes, but soon the heaven will be opening and we shall recognize each other. Soon, that day, when nothing will be disunite, soon, that blessed day, will see its dawn breaking.
Mankind, of any race, of any belief, and even of non belief, will see the bandeau of his ignorance pulled off. I shall appear still for a long time, and I many places, in order no sheep to be lost.
Pray with your heart; Pray with your whole being. Pray as God is asking to you, to each one, according to his talents. To pray is to create unity, in order never to be apart. Let all churches be united. There cannot be religions wars anymore. There cannot be war, with its atrocities, anymore.
Unless of Love.
There cannot be very young children crying anymore. And grown-ups tortured, imprisoned, murdered, and innocents. This long nightmare is going to be over.
The reign of God, the reign of Love is there. It has always been there. But today, it appears in the world and takes place in each heart. The Earth is revolving in a different way.
I see that, surrounded with all my servants, and tears of joy are coursing down. If you know how much God is loving you, if you know how each second of life is holy. So it is divine Second.
Communicate with his whole Work. You are his work. My Son, your supreme Guide, has leaded you to the threshold of this immortality. So, each man is going to be born to that new life. I have come and talk to the heart of Joanna, who has given her to my Son. In order the new words to bear fruits. But I can come and talk to the heart of anyone.
God allows it from now on.
Open the door of your heart and you will hear us. Open your heart to us. Marie and Jesus and all the servants will come into, and joy will be still greater, since we will guide closely everyone on this way. Open widely your heart, in order the holy Spirit regenerates it. Do not be afraid, my very youngs. You are the people of God. An there is only One.
Come on, we are opening untirinly our arms to console you. Lay down your old clothes, and wear the white dress, in order to celebrate the wedding of Heaven and Earth.
Do not try to fathom the Mysteries.
Myself, your Mother, I am not relating you a nice story to make you sleep, but it is your Story is going on.
Leave the ruins. Let the memory blot out everything that prevents this advancing to the Reign of Marvellous.
My Children read and read this letter again. It is very important.
Just, I ask it to you again, open us your heart and you will hear us.
Then your life will change, and you could not be lost. I have defeated the Dragon. The darkness cannot invade the Earth. But the light can win only gradually your being.
Glory to Father,
From High in the Heave.
Come to me through any way.
I shall lead you to my Son.
He is the Way.
But don’t forget about this
In the heart of anyone, I can talk to my children.
I love you so much
Go on in Peace, My very youngs.
Your Mother
(Adapté par Agnès Sourbel)